Winslow Homer (1836-1910) was an American landscape painter and printmaker. He is best known for his seascapes, which often depicted the everyday life of fishermen and coastal life. His work is characterised by its realism and use of light and colour. He was also a prolific illustrator, creating many drawings and wood engravings for popular magazines. He was a major influence on American art in the late 19th century, and his works remain popular today.
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Homer Prints
- At High Sea
- A Basket of Clams
- Bass Fishing, Florida
- The Bather
- Below Zero
- Boy Holding Logs
- Boy in a Boat
- Boys in a Dory
- Boys on the Beach
- Boys Wading
- Breezing Up, A Fair Wind
- The Bridle Path, White Mountains
- Camp Fire
- The Cotton Pickers
- Cow in Pasture
- Deer Drinking
- Diamond Shoal
- Down the Cliff
- Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts
- The Faggot Gatherer
- Farmyard Scene
- Feeding Time
- Fisher Girls by the Sea
- Fishing Boats, Key West
- Fishing Schooner, Nassau
- Flower Garden and Bungalow, Bermuda
- The Fog Horn
- Fresh Eggs
- Gallows Island
- A Game of Croquet
- A Garden in Nassau
- Gargoyles at Notre Dame
- Girl in the Hammock
- Girl on a Swing
- Girl Reading Under an Oak Tree
- Girls Strolling in an Orchard
- The Gulf Stream
- The Herring Net
- The Hilltop Barn, Houghton Farm
- Hilly Landscape
- Home, Sweet Home
- Hound and Hunter
- Houses on a Hill
- Hurricane, Bahamas
- In Front of Yorktown
- Inside the Bar
- Kissing the Moon
- Leaping Trout
- A Light on the Sea
- Moonlight on the Water
- Moonlight, Wood Island Light
- Nassau
- Nassau, Water and Sailboat
- Natural Bridge, Bermuda
- The Noon Recess
- Northeaster
- Old Mill, the Morning Bell
- Old Woman Gathering Brush
- On Guard
- On the Beach
- Oranges on a Branch
- Out on a Limb
- Palm Tree, Nassau
- Perils of the Sea
- Picking Flowers
- The Portage
- Prisoners from the Front
- Pulling the Dory
- Rainy Day in Camp
- The Red Canoe
- Returning from the Sping
- Right & Left
- Road in Nassau
- Rowing at Prout's Neck
- Sailing a Dory
- Schooners at Anchor, Key West
- A Shady Spot, Houghton Farm
- Shark Fishing
- The Sharpshooters
- A Shepherdess
- Shepherdess of Houghton Farm
- Sleigh Ride
- Small Sloop
- Snap the Whip
- Sponge Fisherman, Bahamas
- St. John's River, Florida
- Summer
- Summer Night
- Summer Squall
- Tending Sheep, Houghton Farm
- Three Boys in a Dory
- A Tropical Breeze, Nassau
- Two Girls on the Beach, Tynemouth
- Two Guides
- Uncle Ned at Home
- Undertow
- Upland Cotton
- The Veteran in a New Field
- Waiting for the Return of the Fishing Fleets
- A Wall, Nassau
- The Water Fan
- The Watermelon Boys
- Weaning the Calf
- The West Wind
- The Whittling Boy
- Woman Sewing
- The Wreck of the Iron Cloud
- The Young Shepherdess