Walter Langley (1852-1922) was a British painter and etcher who is best known for his works depicting the lives of fishermen and their families in the fishing villages of Cornwall. He was a member of the Newlyn School of artists and was known for his bold and vibrant use of colour. His works have been widely collected and are now highly sought after by collectors. His prints are a testament to his skill as an artist and his love of the sea and its people.
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Langley Prints
- Among the Missing
- Betrayed
- Between the Tides, Newlyn, Cornwall
- The Breadwinners, or Newlyn Fishwives
- But Men must Work and Women must Weep
- But oh for the Touch of a Vanished Hand
- Day Dreams
- Disaster Scene in a Cornish Fishing Village
- Distant Thoughts
- Distant Thoughts, 1887
- Expert Opinion
- Fisherman Smoking a Pipe
- Girl Knitting
- The Gossips, Newlyn
- Her First Born
- Idle Moments
- In a Cornish Fishing Village: Departure of the Fleet for the North
- In the Fishing Season
- Lamorna Cove, Cornwall
- The Letter
- Lover and his Lass
- Memories
- Mending Clothes
- A Moment's Rest
- The Morning Post
- Mother Love
- Never Morning Wore to Evening
- The New Arrival
- A Newlyn Fish Wife
- Newlyn, Catching up with the Cornish Telegraph
- Old Market Hall and Fountain
- The Old Quilt