David Roberts is a British painter known for his detailed, romanticised depictions of Middle Eastern and North African architectural scenes. His work is characterised by its vibrant colours, exquisite detail, and idealised perspective. Roberts was an important figure in the 19th century art world, and his work continues to be highly sought after today. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest British painters of the era, and his prints remain popular among art collectors and enthusiasts.
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Roberts Prints
- Abyssinian Slaves at Korti-Nubia
- The Acropolis
- The Alcazar of Carmona, Andalucia
- Approach of the Simoom, Desert of Giza
- Approach to Alexandria
- Arabs of the Desert, from Views of the Holy Land
- Bazaar in Street leading to El-Mooristan Mosque, Cairo
- Bazaar of the Coppersmiths, Cairo
- The Burning of the Houses of Parliament, 16th October 1834
- Cairo
- Cairo from Gate, towards Desert of Suez
- Cairo from the Gate of Citizenib, looking towards the Desert of Suez
- Cana, View of Sunset, from Views of the Holy Land
- Interior of the Chapel of St Catherine, from Views of the Holy Land
- Chapel of St Helena, from Views of the Holy Land
- Jerusalem, the Church of Purification, from Views of the Holy Land
- Church of the Annunciation, from Views of the Holy Land
- Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, from Views of the Holy Land
- Citadel of Cairo, Residence of the Pasha
- Cleopatra's Needle
- Coffee Shop of Cairo
- Colossi at Wady Samboua
- Conference of Arabs, from Views of the Holy Land
- Convent of St. Saba
- Crypt of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
- The Damascus Gate, Jerusalem
- Descent to the Valley of Jordan, from Views of the Holy Land
- The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD
- The Doorway, Baalec, from Views of the Holy Land
- Edinburgh from the Castle
- El Khasne, from Views of the Holy Land
- Encampment of the Pilgrims at Jericho
- Entrance to a Private Mansion, Cairo
- Entrance to Citadel of Cairo
- Entrance to the Valley of the Kings
- Facade of the Pronaos of the Temple of Edfou
- Ghawazees, or Dancing Girls of Cairo
- The Giudecca, Venice
- Grand Portico of the Temple of Philae, Nubia
- Central Avenue of the Great Hall of Columns, Karnak
- Colossal Figures in front of Great Temple of Aboo-Simbel
- Interior of the Great Temple of Aboo-Simbel
- The Great Temple of Amon Karnak, the Hypostyle Hall
- Interior of Greek Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
- A Group in the Slave Market in Cairo
- Group of Nubians at Wady Kardassy
- Hebron
- Hypaethral Temple at Philae, Called The Bed of Pharoah
- The Hypostyle Hall of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel, Egypt
- Interior of Mosque of Sultan Hassan
- Interior of the Temple of Esne in Upper Egypt
- Interview with Mehmet Ali in His Palace at Alexandria
- General View of the Island of Philae
- Jerusalem from the North, from Views of the Holy Land
- Jordan Valley
- Kom-Ombo
- The Letter Writer, Cairo
- Looking Towards the Pyramids of Dashour and Saccara, with a Slave Boat on the Nile
- Minarets at Bab Zuweyleh, and Entrance to Mosque of the Metwalis, Cairo
- Mont St. Michel from the Sands
- Mosque of Omar on the Site of the Temple
- Interior of the Mosque of the Metwalys
- Interior of the Mosque of the Sultan Ghoree
- Grand Entrance to the Mosque of the Sultan Hassan
- New Palace of Westminster from the River Thames
- Obelisk at Luxor
- Oblique View of the Hall of Columns, Karnak
- Persian Water Wheel, Used for Irrigation in Nubia
- Petra
- The Pool of Siloam
- Portico of the Temple of Edfou, Upper Egypt
- Portico of the Temple of Kalabshe
- Portion of the Eastern Portico, from Views of the Holy Land
- Pyramids of Giza
- Remains of the Western Portico, Baalbec, from Views of the Holy Land
- Rome, Twilight, view from the Convent of San Onofrio on Mount Janiculum
- Ruins Called Om El Hamed, near Tyre, from Views of the Holy Land
- General View of the Ruins of Luxor from the Nile
- Ruins of the Church of St John, Sabaste, from Views of the Holy Land
- Ruins of the Temple of Kom-Ombo, Upper Egypt
- The Sanctuary of the Koran, Mosque at Cordoba
- Sea of Galilee or Genezareth, looking towards Bashan
- Shipping on the Thames at Greenwich
- Shrine of the Holy Sepulchre, from Views of the Holy Land
- Silk Mercers' Bazaar of El-Ghooreeyeh, Cairo
- St. Paul's Cathedral from Blackfriars Bridge
- St. Pauls from the River
- Suez
- Thebes, the Colossal Statues of Amunoph III
- Tombs of Caliphs with Citadel in Background, Cairo
- Tombs of the Memlooks, Cairo, with an Arab Funeral
- Tower of London
- Under the Grand Portico, Philae
- View from Under the Portico of the Great Temple of Dendera
- View of Sidon, from Views of the Holy Land
- View of Tyre, from Views of the Holy Land