Edgar Degas was a French artist renowned for his paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings depicting dancers, racehorses, and other scenes from everyday life. He was a master of the Impressionist style, and his works are celebrated for their vivid colours and expressive brushstrokes. His works continue to be highly sought after and collected by art lovers worldwide.
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Degas Prints
- Actresses Dressing Room
- After the Bath
- After the Bath, 1884
- After the Bath, 1896
- After the Bath, Woman Drying her Foot
- After the Bath, Woman Drying her Neck
- At the Milliner's
- At the Milliner's, 1882
- At the Stock Exchange
- Ballerina and Lady with a Fan
- Ballet at the Paris Opéra
- The Ballet Dancer
- Ballet Dancers
- Ballet Dancers on the Stage
- The Ballet Master
- Ballet Practice
- The Ballet Rehearsal
- Ballet Rehearsal on the Stage
- Ballet Repetition on the Scene
- Ballet Scene
- The Ballet Scene from Robert le Diable by Meyerbeer
- Bather Stepping into a Tub
- Beach Scene, Little Girl having her Hair Combed by her Nanny
- Bedtime
- Before the Ballet
- Before the Performance
- Before the Race
- The Bellelli Family
- Blue Dancers
- Blue Toned Dancers
- The Bow of the Star
- Breakfast after the Bath
- The Brothel
- Bust of a Woman with her Left Hand on her Chin
- Bust of a Woman, 1885
- Cafe Concert at Les Ambassadeurs
- Cafe-Concert Singer
- The Collector of Prints
- Combing the Hair, La Coiffure
- The Conversation
- The Conversation, 1889
- The Cotton Exchange, New Orleans
- The Cup of Hot Chocolate
- The Dance Class, 1874
- The Dance Class, 1873
- The Dance Foyer at the Opera on the Rue le Peletier
- The Dance Lesson
- The Dance Lesson, 1879
- Dancer
- Dancer Arranging her Hair
- Dancer Fastening her Pump
- Dancer Fixing her Slipper
- Dancer in Front of a Window
- Dancer in Green
- Dancer in her Dressing Room
- A Dancer in Profile
- Dancer with a Fan
- Dancer with a Fan, 1879
- Dancer with a Tambourine
- Dancer with Bouquet, Curtseying
- Dancer with Raised Arms
- Dancer with Tambourine
- Dancer, 1880
- Dancers
- Dancers, 1895
- Dancers Ascending a Staircase
- Dancers at Rehearsal
- Dancers at the Bar
- Dancers Backstage
- Dancers Bending Down
- Dancers in Blue
- Dancers in Rehearsal
- Dancers in the Wings
- Dancers in Violet
- Dancers on a Bench
- Dancers Practising at the Barre
- Dancers Rehearsing
- Dancers Wearing Salmon Coloured Skirts
- Dancers with Hair in Braids
- Dancers with Yellow Dresses
- The Dancers, 1900
- The Dancing Class, (The One from the Musee d'Orsay, Paris)
- The Dancing Class, 1871
- David and Goliath
- The Dead Fox
- Édouard Manet Seated, Holding his Hat
- End of an Arabesque
- Entrance of the Masked Dancers
- Eugene Manet
- Four Ballerinas on the Stage
- Four Dancers
- Four Dancers
- Foyer de l'Opera
- Friends at the Theatre
- Frieze of Dancers
- Gentlemen Race, Before the Departure
- Girl looking through Opera Glasses
- Green Dancers
- The Green Skirt
- Group of Dancers
- Harlequin and Colombine
- Harlequin and Columbina
- Helene Rouart in her Father's Study
- Hilaire Degas, The Artist's Grandfather
- Horses
- Horses in a Meadow
- Houses on the Cliff Edge at Villers-Sur-Mer
- In a Cafe, or the Absinthe
- In Front of the Mirror
- Injured Jockey
- Interior with Two Figures
- The Ironwork
- Jeantaud, Linet and Laine
- Jockey at a Canter
- Jockey Flexed Forward Standing in the Saddle
- Jockeys
- Jockeys and Race Horses
- Jockeys at the Racecourse
- Jockeys Before the Race
- Jockeys in the Rain
- The Jockeys, 1882
- Jockeys, 1890
- Josephine Gaujelin
- The Laundresses
- Little Dancer
- The Lodge
- The Loge, c.1883 (oil on wood)
- Lorenzo Pagans and Auguste de Gas
- Portrait of Ludovic Halevy and Albert Boulanger-Cave behind the Scenes of the Opera Pastel
- Madame René de Gas
- Mademoiselle Dihau at the Piano
- Mademoiselle Malo
- The Milliner
- The Millinery Shop
- Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
- Monsieur and Madame Edouard Manet
- Morning Toilet
- Naked Stretches
- Nude Study
- Nude Study, Man Lying
- The Opera Orchestra
- Orchestra Musicians
- The Parade, or Race Horses in Front of the Stands
- The Pedicure
- Pink Dancer
- Place de la Concorde, Paris
- Portrait after a Costume Ball
- Portrait of a Man Standing with his Hands in his Pockets
- Portrait of Diego Martelli
- Portrait of Leon Bonnat
- Portrait of Madame Jeantaud in the Mirror
- Portrait of Mlle. Hortense Valpinçon
- Portrait of Monsieur Ruelle
- Portrait of the Painter James Tissot
- Portraits at the Stock Exchange
- The Race Course, Amateur Jockeys near a Carriage
- Racehorses
- Racehorses, Leaving the Weighing
- The Races
- Reader Lying Down
- The Rehearsal, 1877
- Rehearsal at the Home
- The Rehearsal of the Ballet on Stage
- Retiring
- The Riders
- A Roman Beggar Woman
- The Russian Dancer
- Russian Dancers
- Russian Dancers, 1899
- Scene from the Steeplechase, Fallen Jockey
- Scene of War in the Middle Ages
- Seated Bather, 1899
- Seated Dancer
- Seated Dancer Adjusting her Shoes
- Seated Dancer, 1881
- Seated Woman in a White Dress
- Self Portrait, 1856
- Self Portrait as a Young Man
- Self Portrait with Evariste de Valernes
- Self Portrait, 1855
- The Singer in Green
- The Song of the Dog at the Cafe Concert
- The Star, or Dancer on the Stage
- Studies of the Nude
- Study of a Girl's Head
- Study of Hands
- Sulking
- Sur La Scene
- Swaying Dancer, aka Dancer in Green
- Three Dancers
- Three Dancers in a Diagonal Line on the Stage
- Three Dancers in Peasant Costume
- Three Dancers in the Wings
- Three Dancers Preparing for Class
- Three Studies of a Dancer in Fourth Position
- The Toilet, 1897
- The Tub
- Two Bathers on the Grass
- Two Blue Dancers
- Two Dancers
- Two Dancers Adjusting their Shoulder Straps
- Two Dancers at Rest
- Two Dancers at Rest
- Two Dancers Before Going on Stage
- Two Dancers in the Foyer
- Two Dancers Resting
- Two Dancers Resting
- Two Dancers, 1879
- Two Women Leaning on a Fence Rail
- Two Yellow Dancers at Rest
- Waiting
- Woman Bathing in a Shallow Tub
- Woman Combing her Hair
- Woman Combing her Hair
- Woman Combing Her Hair, 1890
- Woman Combing her Hair, in Slippers
- Woman Doing her Hair
- Woman Drying Herself, 1888
- Woman Drying Herself
- Woman Drying Herself, 1890
- Woman having her Hair Combed
- Woman in the Bath, Washing her Leg
- Woman in the Tub
- Woman Ironing against the Light
- Woman Wiping her Feet
- Woman with a Towel
- Woman with Chrysanthemums
- Woman with Porcelain Vase
- Women on a Cafe Terrace
- Young Spartan Girls Provoking the Boys
- Young Spartans Exercising
- Young Woman with Ibis